#68 – Get Paid To Be Yourself With Mia LaMotte

#68 – Get Paid To Be Yourself With Mia LaMotte

This week I have image consultant, transformation coach, and personal brand strategist Mia LaMotte on the podcast to geek out about branding and her company Brand Disruptors. For years, Mia has been giving people permission to be themselves instead of trying to fit...
#68 – Get Paid To Be Yourself With Mia LaMotte

#67 – Do You Have Skin In The Game?

This week, I’m going on a rant y’all. As a coach, I occasionally work with people who say they want to change their lives but don’t do what it takes actually to make it happen. Why? Because they don’t have enough skin in the game.   In this episode you will...
#68 – Get Paid To Be Yourself With Mia LaMotte

#65 – The Plight Of The Creative Type

As creatives, we naturally have a lot of interests — and it’s easy for us to get distracted by a shiny new one. Constantly wanting to chase multiple things at once leaves many of us feeling lost and uncertain about what the heck it is we’re supposed to do. This week...
#68 – Get Paid To Be Yourself With Mia LaMotte

#64 – Is 2021 Your Hinge Year?

This week, I’m checking in after a brief hiatus and a WILD start to 2021, which a lot of people are labeling a “hinge year.” Tune in to learn what that means and how you can use this collective feeling of restlessness to reignite your dreams and go after what you...